Want to know the secret to a successful business? It's YOU, you are the secret!! Before you roll your eyes at me, and think"Duh Ash, I already knew that!" I want you to hear me out.
People no longer by the best products or services. They buy from people they know, like and trust. The problem is, that a lot of business owners are missing the most important opportunity to stand out against their competitors and that is showing their face in their business.
In This Episode You'll Learn How To :
• Show up for yourself
• Show your face in your business
• Show up consistently
The Purpose Gathering is a community designed specifically to support and educate mom business owners, equip them with the tools to juggle all the things and help them find their business besties. The Purpose Gathering hosts monthly meet ups near Mesa, Arizona with guest speakers and networking, providing moms with the opportunity to grow and connect with like minded mompreneurs. If you’re local, be sure to come on over and register for our next event at thepurposegathering.com/meetups.
In future episodes I will cover topics pertaining to parenting, mind, body and soul self-care, marriage and of course business. This podcast has it all. Each week you can expect me to show up as my authentic self, saying it like it is, and providing you with mindset strategies and practical tips for living your best life as a purpose filled mama, wife and business owner
Thank you for tuning in!! Join me every Wednesday for a new episode of the Purpose Gathering Podcast. I can't wait until next time.
Want to know the secret to a successful business? It's YOU, you are the secret!! Before you roll your eyes at me, and think "Duh Ash, I already knew that!" I want you to hear me out.
People no longer by the best products or services. They buy from people they know, like and trust. The problem is, that a lot of business owners are missing the most important opportunity to stand out against their competitors and that is showing their face in their business.
In This Episode You'll Learn How To :
• Show up for yourself
• Show your face in your business
• Show up consistently
The Purpose Gathering is a community designed specifically to support and educate mom business owners, equip them with the tools to juggle all the things and help them find their business besties. The Purpose Gathering hosts monthly meet ups near Mesa, Arizona with guest speakers and networking, providing moms with the opportunity to grow and connect with like minded mompreneurs. If you’re local, be sure to come on over and register for our next event at thepurposegathering.com/meetups.
In future episodes I will cover topics pertaining to parenting, mind, body and soul self-care, marriage and of course business. This podcast has it all. Each week you can expect me to show up as my authentic self, saying it like it is, and providing you with mindset strategies and practical tips for living your best life as a purpose filled mama, wife and business owner
Thank you for tuning in!! Join me every Wednesday for a new episode of the Purpose Gathering Podcast. I can't wait until next time.
xoxo Ashley
The Efficient Momprenuer - Online Course
Find me on Instagram: @thepurposegathering
Website: thepurposegathering.com
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